Tuesday, October 14, 2008

5th and Last Game of the Season

Tonight was the last game of the season. I think it's a good thing to because tonight it was COLD! This is Adam's little team again. Coach Brandon did a Great Job!

Trevor, Adam and I

Adam pulled this huge night crawler out of the grass. He thought it was AWESOME. He took it with us to dinner, but had to let it go before we went inside the restaurant. I'm sure there was a sign on the door that said "NO WORMS ALLOWED". LOL


Kirk, Mandii, Hunter & Taylor said...

Ha ha, he is ALL boy isn't he!?! You guys look great- Love and miss you sis!!

Linda B. said...

I love all of these pictures! The Halloween ones, the Soccer Star, Adam, and the ones of Mindee and Trevor! You guys look great together! We love you so much!!!!

Mom (Linda)